Terms and conditions of use

These notes apply to the following Web sites managed by Pantipcommart.com (hereinafter referred to as "the Company")  www.pantipcommart.com (collectively referred to below as "this Web site"). Please carefully read the following notes in connection with the use of this Web site.

The information on this Web site is protected by international copyright laws, treaties and related legislation. The use of this information, including any duplication, alteration, uploading, reproduction, transmission, circulation, licensing, sale or publishing, is prohibited by law in all cases except where use is personal or falls within the scope of actions expressly permitted by other legislation.

Limit of Liability

  • The Company will not be liable for any damage, including but not limited to, direct damage, indirect damage, additional damage, incidental damage, consequential damage, damage from loss of profit or business arising from the use or the inability to use this website, defect or delay in the retrieval or transfer of information on the Company’s website, computer virus or failure of networks or systems. Further, the Company is not liable for the correctness of information, the completeness, the quality, the sufficiency, the accuracy or the content of the information, timeline, appropriateness of information or opinions, regardless of whether the information is on the Company’s website or on an external website linked to that of the Company. Further, the Company is not liable for such damage in the case of all incidents beyond the control of the Company, including but not limited to, fire, flood, earthquake, strike, riot or other issues.
  • The Company reserves the right to modify or suspend the use of this website, amend the usage Terms and Conditions; and, alter, add to, remove from, delete or amend any information or content appearing on the website at any time without prior notice to the user. The Company is entitled to engage in any such amendment, alteration or other actions above as the owner of the website or allow any person to do the same without liability to the user or any third party in the event of such amendment or alteration of this website. The user’s continued use of this website shall be deemed as his/her acceptance of such amendment or alteration.


If you do not accept these terms and conditions, please leave the Website immediately.